Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Sports Day Friday 12th June

3rd Jun 2020

Good Morning boys and girls, hope you are all keeping well. Just a wee reminder about Sports Day. We are hoping that you will take Friday 12th June off home schooling for the day and take part in sports day with your families. If you have been following the Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day activities and using the pack then you will have been doing loads of practise, the activities they included are the sprint, high jump, long jump, egg and spoon race, welly boot toss(watch the windows LOL), obstacle course and for the  super fit among you there is the super strong challenge and the marathon challenge. We look forward to seeing you all take part in your sports day! Good Luck and Enjoy!!!

Healthy Kidz Sports Day (3rd Jun 2020) View download document