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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

FUN DAY 22nd JUNE 2021

21st Jun 2021

Hello everyone

I hope you had the best weekend. We are very excited about our Fun Day tomorrow. It looks like it will be dry weather-wise so that is making us even happier.

The children will need to wear comfortable clothes and long sleeves are recommended for the bouncy castle.

The canteen will serve a picnic lunch of chicken goujons and chips with a drink and dessert. This costs £2.60 if paying for your dinner. Your child can also bring a packed lunch as normal. We have an ice cream van coming as a surprise for the children. If your child is allergic to whipped ice cream please let the class teacher know before tomorrow.

Please send in £2.00 per child if you have not done so already.

We will send you photos of all the fun so keep a lookout for these on the website.

Mrs Bacheta