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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
325 Club Week Beginning 16th December 2024 It is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 16th December.Booking link opens at 8.30am Thursday 12th December and closes 3.00pm Friday 13th December. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 13th December you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 13th December.REMINDER NO 325 FRIDAY 20TH DECEMBER OR MONDAY 23RD DECEMBER
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Eco Posters 🌍♻️🌍

1st Mar 2024

P1 - P7 designed some fantastic posters as part of Eco Week in January. P1 and P2 focused on our Eco target of healthy living and healthy eating to design a healthy lunchbox. P3 and P4 focused on our target of transport. They designed posters to advertise The Big Walk and Wheel even in March which encourages active travel to school. P5, P6 and P7 focused on our target of reducing litter and trying to recycle more. They designed posters to help us remember how to look after our planet. Well done Boys and girls, fantastic work! You are all Eco Warriors! 🌍♻️🌍